Saturday, May 26, 2012

Opening doors

Someone once said to me, "When god closes on door he opens another." at the time I hated that expression. It was meant to give me comfort at a very hard time, but I did not want to be comforted, I did not want a lesson about god, and I certainly did not want that door to be closed. What I wanted was for the change that was happening to not be taking place. I still visit that memory from time to time. So much has changed since then and I came to really appreciate the intention in the expression. In the book I am currently reading, "Writing Yoga", by Bruce Black he discussed asana practice as opening doors to your body; your body is a room and each pose opens a door to that room and let's you see another side of the room, another side of yourself. This took me back to the expression from my past. Bruce's analogy just gave a whole new meaning to the expression. One that fits better to the person I have become today. Bruce doesn't mention closing any doors just opening new ones as a revealing of sort, as least that I what I am taking from it. I like this idea. I like the idea of not closing those doors of our past because that gives the feeling of some sort of finality to it. Those things aren't final; those things shape who we are, we constantly have those things with us-in out hearts, in our memories-however we chose to carry it. It's good to remember where we came from.  Yoga is all about opening up. Opening your heart, your mind, and your body. Nothing about yoga is closing, so I chose to keep my heart, mind, body, and doors open. I want to be open to new possibilities, to change, to love, to compassion, and to every detail of those things that remain behind the doors of my past. Today's practice intention it to opening the doors that were closed. Namaste

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