Friday, March 1, 2013

Choosing better thoughts

Today is a stressful day for this Yogikickboxer. As with most other people today, I worry and stress over money. As I have said in a past post, I work in a thankless job. It is also a job that doesn't pay well especially for what we do. However, today I am reminding myself that I am not here for the money. I got into EMS to help people, I am becoming a teacher to help and educate our children, and I am becoming a yoga instructor to give to others a blessing that has been given to me. None of these make me rich...monetarily. I have always made it work, somehow, and I will continue. So, today I am giving myself a gentle reminder to breathe. Inhaling, I will take a moment to choose how I want to deal with this stress. Do I want to sit in it and worry? This worry will in no way change the amount of money I make nor the amount of money that I owe, so this worry is not serving. So, I will exhale that which does not serve me. I will somehow find a way to better use that energy. Look at areas of my life where I can cut back and save some. This is what yoga teaches me. It teaches me to take that moment to make right choices, to somehow find the good amid the bad, to find comfort in discomfort, etc. Money isn't everything, it's just money.

This Blog that I read today said this, "The good news is that you are not your mind and your mind is not you.  You have the ability to detach your authentic self from the negative whirlwind that’s happening within your mind." It is a great post and I recommend that you read it. It talks about us being an observer. Today I am observing my thoughts about my financial situation and selecting better, more positive thoughts about it. I am choosing to be thankful for what I have, I am reminding myself that it will all be ok because it always has been, I will make time later to meditate and find stillness among this chaos called stress, and with this I will act to ensure a better outcome...that I chose and manifested myself. 

Today the Dalai Lama's Facebook had a post that said the following, "These days, in our materialistic culture, many people are led to believe that money is the ultimate source of happiness. Consequently, when they don’t have enough of it they feel let down. Therefore, it is important to let people know that they have the source of contentment and happiness within themselves, and that it is related to nurturing our natural inner values." I am not going to let money be my ultimate source of happiness, I will not let not having enough make me feel let down. I have contentment and happiness within myself. 

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